The LH Hiranandani Hospital has been clearly started for the people living in Hiranandani Gardens and surrounding areas. It can aspire to be a good hospital for the wealthy. It is difficult to imagine poor people even thinking of going there for treatment.Many of the doctors are quite young but that is alright as long as they are competent too.
But the sad part is that the whole land, as per newspaper reports, was given to the developers to construct houses for lower & middle income people. But the developers seem to have got past this and made houses only the rich can afford! If that is the case, then can anything good come out of it?
Another negative aspect, I think, is that the hospital tends to advertise itself far too much. I do not know how dignified that is. If doctors are not permitted to advertise then there should be some restrictionon hospitals too. It is always better to let ones good actions speak rather than beat ones own drum! And, as any professional knows, it takes several years to build a good reputation. So also for a hospital. I do not think hiranandani hospital has existed for a sufficiently long time for it to trumpet its achievements. It has many miles to go.