This involves the health of my mother who has a history of CKD, CABG, Diabetic Nephropathy amongst a host of complications and our experience/ordeal revolving around her treatment at Dr LH Hiranandani Hospital, Powai.
She is a regular patient at the Bombay Hospital @ Marine Lines. However, this time round, I decided to admit her at Dr. LH Hiranandani Hospital as it is close to my house, and moreover I did expect class treatment and speedy recovery. As a hospital, they should realise, that the granite flooring and five-star facilities are secondary to an accurate and effective treatment.
Prior to hospitalization I spoke with the Director- Dr. Arun Shetty and he guided me to Dr.Shalini Suralkar for the next course of action. We came to the hospital on 14th March and I shared my mother’s medical history along with a page of around 11-12 point of concerns why the patient was brought to the hospital. Patient was mobile and could walk with support . We opted for pre-emptive hospitalization for my mothers checkup basis the suggestion given by Dr.Shalini. Dr. Rajesh Kumar(Nephrologist) and Dr.Raghuprasad Varma (Spine Surgeon) paid a visit to check my mother and her historical reports. Patient was diagnosed as having UTI, basis on her blood and urine report. Treatment initiated on 15th March - Diuretic (around 4 times in a day) via Inj plus IV antibiotic for her Urinary Tract infection. Extensive physiotherapy sessions were introduced for managing her back pain while walking(history of mild Lumbar Canal Stenosis).
On 17th March, she was discharged. On 18th March, my mother continued to feel weak plus experienced no strength in lower limbs while walking, it continued to get progressively worse by the end of the day. I got in touch with Dr. Shetty and he nonchalantly advised to report the patient to the CASUALTY. On 19th March, we wheeled her in CASUALTY - wherein post some routine checks by Dr. Shalini & Dr. Soni- she was diagnosed now as having OSA, and further referred to Dr.Shajit Babu for sleep study et al. Patients Mobility was impaired since 19th March Physiotherapy sessions continued and PSG was advised and conducted on two instances. BiPAP was introduced to regularize her CO2. The patient showed no improvement in neither health nor well being and her CO2 was still on higher side. Saturday and Sunday - the patient was extremely drowsy throughout the day and also had lack of appetite .Nothing was done to manage the same, by the treating doctor, stating that this is the right course of action and moreover CPAP titration was also lined up on Sunday evening . Being desperate I further checked with Dr.Arun Shetty, and his consolation was that any treatment does take a while. To think of it at that time, the only medicines which the patient was on, was her regular maintenance medicines and no other treatment . It was assumed that CPAP treatment will improve her condition back to normalcy. On 24th March after my repeat smss and calling Dr.Shetty, as the patient showed no signs of improvement, mobility still impaired and as her CBC, Electrolyte revealed some anomalies, she was shifted to Critical Care Unit.
Potassium was LOW (explaining the sheer muscle weakness), Calcium was HIGH etc etc. She had experienced electrolyte imbalance suspected due to the diuretics given earlier. The Intensivists decided to have her hydrated this time, to bring the electrolytes to correct readings. Other hosts of tests were conducted by connecting Central Line(CVC) to the patient. By Tuesday early morning the patient showed some sign of improvement. Her electrolytes were coming back to normal and she was feeling slightly better. Patient was moved to normal ward on 27th March. The points which I am trying to put forward are:
Poor diagnosis of her medical symptoms could have (or would have) caused irreversible damage to her health, or worse case risked her life.
There was absolutely no sense of urgency shown by the treating doctor. How do you explain preemptive hospitalization to extend for nearly 15 days?
I feel the treatment was done grappling in dark, without focusing on the root cause.
Even the so called Apnea diagnosed was due to the elevated CO2 suspect again due to excessive diuretic given to her. We got a discharge on 29th March .
My mother still continued to be unwell, with similar episode of mobility impairment, I decided to take her to Bombay Hospital. Clearly not wanting to commit the same mistake thrice. She is still in the hospital as I write this review, thankfully stable and recovering. Moreover, in the hands of the doctors who know her history well.
Patients get admitted in the hospital for speedy and effective treatment - which in the end of the day helps save life . Dr. LHHH, leaves a lot to be desired in this area. There needs a different kind of focus and diagnosis to manage patients with multiple complications and clearly I feel my treating doctor, I repeat - My treating doctor did not give me that kind of a comfort NOR the treatment to my ailing mother.
Whatever happened to the good old world of Ethical Treatment?!
Sharing this personal experience- so that others can learn from this.