Back in 2006 I had undergone an open abdominal wall hernia repair. At first there was severe pain in the lower quadrant of left abdomen actually in the pelvic region and I could not walk even. I was rushed to LHHH and diagnosed by Dr. Arun V Shetty. He suspected it could be a blood clot or a hernia and referred me for a whole abdomen USG and the USG report mentioned a bulge in the pelvic region. Dr. Arun Shetty immediately suggested for surgery without even thinking that it could be a strangulated appendices epiploicae causing the pain. He could have suggested for more procedure like CT scan to properly diagnose and since the operation I am facing hell lot of trouble. Dr, Shetty has ruined my life I now suffer from chronic pelvic pain and lot of digestive disorder. My father thought off coming back to Kolkata but it was my destiny. Dr. Arun Shetty was only looking for making money. I never had a hernia and operated for hernia. Inside the hospital on the door of Dr. Shettys chamber it is written that he was an associate professor of surgery at Grant medical college and such a negligant work from a professor! Dr. Shetty has ruined my life. Now I understand why he hurried for surgery.
Dr. Arun v Shetty I wonder how could you have been teaching surgery to post grad students while you yourself being such an awful surgeon. Who does not even know what are the procedures to be undertaken to properly diagnose a ’ spigelian’ hernia or actually the onset of the patient’’s pelvic pain was due to torsion of appendices epiploicae! Perhaps you know that apendices epiploicae torsion and strangulation leading to fat necrosis is a self limiting condition and does not pose life threat. It either does not require any treatment or if the pain does not diminish it can be treated conservatively. Laparotomy is absolutely unnecessary. See what I have now to live with chronic gastrittis, and IBS and GERD and what not!!!! These diseases have come only after my hopeless surgery which you have awkwardly, insanely carried away . I can not even go to office regularly due to IBS symptoms. You are a genius who can easily destroy a person’’s health. and career. kudos to you!!