My son Dheeman Hazarika (Private Patient ID- AA341056) was born 2 years ago in BBH (Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore). From his born till now, we have visited only BBH for all his vaccination and other medical related queries or problems in Bangalore. We have met various Pediatrics in BBH including Dr. Lakshmi, Dr. Gayathri, Dr. Suman Rath etc. All these doctors seems to be very nice and we were so happy with them & BBH.
But 2 days ago (on 28th October 2017), our prospective towards BBH has changed, when we met Dr. Madhuri Maganthi (MD - Pediatrics, Fellowship in Genetics).
The Incident-
We had noticed some red mark & swallowing at my sons private part from 27th October 2017 morning. We thought is as a insect bite, so applied some homeopathy ointment
there, which didnt work. The redness & swallowing increased by night & he was having pain as well whenever touching his private part. At night, we have applied some
other homeopathic ointment. On 28th October 2017 morning also, there was redness & swallowing at his private parts, but the pain wasnt there while touching like
previous night. But we didnt want to take any risk & decided to visit some Pediatrics in BBH.
So without any appointment we reached BBH in the morning and after waiting of 2 hrs got the doctors appointment. The consultant doctor was Dr. Madhuri Maganthi. Since
we came inside doctors cabin, she was busy with her mobile by chatting with someone & wasnt giving much attention when we described her about our sons problem.
That time our kid was little bored & moody due to 2 hrs waiting & started crying little after entering doctors cabin. Dr. Madhuri asked us to lie him on bed & to show
his private part. We did so, but our kid started crying more. He wasnt allowing Dr. Madhuri to touch his private part and was crying a lot. She also didnt tried to
check it properly and instantly told us to contact with Dr. Srinivas (MS - General Surgery, Mch - Urology). She even didnt ask us any question on the problem, neither
checked it properly and was rushing to refer him to Dr. Srinivas.
We became very scared for referring him to a urological surgeon and was very much tensed by thinking of any possible surgery. But, Dr. Srinivas wasnt available on
that time and nurse asked her if we want to consult with some junior (resident) doctor, which we denied and left the hospital.
We were not happy & satisfied with the consultation of Dr. Madhuri and thought to visit some other Pediatrics outside of BBH in evening. But for a chance, after coming
to home we have applied same homeopathic ointment, which we applied in previous night. By evening, both the redness & swallowing were reduced. So we didnt visit any
other doctor and applied same homeopathic ointment at night also. When we checked him again on next morning (29th October 2017), it was completely cured.
Now will BBH authority will bother to inform us-
Why Dr. Madhuri was busy on chatting while attending a patient and many other patients are in queue?
Why Dr. Madhuri did not asked us any question for the problem, like symptoms, from when it is happening, have we applied something or not etc. etc.?
Why Dr. Madhuri didnt checked the problem properly?
Why Dr. Madhuri was so eager to send our kid to a surgeon without even checking properly?
Why Dr. Madhuri didnt predict it a possible insect bite? She might ask us to wait for sometime, by referring some medicine, before consulting with a surgeon.
Why Dr. Madhuri hasnt provide us even 5 minutes consultation and was eager to say us bye ASAP, even after we had waited for 2 long hrs to meet her?
Dr. Madhuri seems to be a very unprofessional & irresponsible doctor, who doesnt check patients properly. Because of these kind of doctors, the good name of BBH will
go down.
Will BBH authority will take some actions against Dr. Madhuri?