WHO CAN TAKE AWAY HER BEAUTY? Rekha was young and good looking with an athletic physique. But when I returned to town after a long tour abroad, I found her unable to climb steps and was taking treatment for rheumatism. She had become bulky because of penicillin injection every day. I advised her to consult Mr. Khan. Like most people she too did not believe in traditional treatment. But in view of her bad health reluctantly she agreed. She was given a course of herbal medicines for 45 days. Within 10 days of the treatment she started getting better and after 45 days she was as beautiful as ever. Many people frightened her saying, “This is all hoax. This is temporary. After some time if you come to me, I will not treat you.” But Rekha was firm. She was quite healthy thereafter and I thanked God that her beauty was restored due to the magic touch of Mahaboob Khan! Thank you so much doctor