My child had a harrowing time when I took her to Dr. Monika Desai whose clinic is just off the beginning of E-street. Though I was very impressed by the ambience, the garden etc. the Drs initial behavior with my child unnerved me (I shouldve been pro-sctive then and stopped her from causing further damage). Dr. Monika Desai completely lacks the tenderness and the caring, loving attitude one needs in order to deal with small children. I wonder if she has been even trained in that. She definitely doesnt have it in her. She scolded my 5 yr old for being a 5 yr old when she got inquisitive about every other thing and touched the equipment that was within her easy reach.
Instead of being calm, and understanding, and showing a caring nature, Dr. Monika Desai sternly commanded my child; "dont touch that", "sit quietly now" with her agitation not well hidden. What completely amazed me was that she made a helper and myself (i did it cos I thought what the Dr. had started in my darlings mouth needed to be finished. I thoroughly regreted it later and apologized to my child.) grab my screaming, shouting child and literally launched a crude assault on my childs jaw.
I wonder what she accomplished in that mayhem to have charged me rs 1300 for it. Heres the cream of it all though. When my child obviously reacted to being man-handled like that by shouting and screaming, Dr Monika Desai called her SPOILT, termed the childs natural reaction to the assault as a "4th grade tantrum", and she told me that I am not doing a good job raising her, and to quote our (not so) good Dr Monika Desai, "you need to slap her." My shock prevented me to react appropriately. I regret that too.
To add insult to injury for my poor child, Dr. Monika Desai didnt do anything to stop her own child of about the same age coming through the door and laughing ad giggling (seemingly) at my crying little one, subjecting my child to further humiliation .. as if being grabbed forcefully and traumatized like that wasnt enough. I will regret that visit to Dr Monika Desai for a long, long time.