I have never been to Dr. Nigams clinic. But read his website code for code yesterday.
To give readers a brief about myself. I have myself suffered from being overweight. I did my own research and read extensively on every topic of nutrition and weight loss techniques. Finally, I found my answer in Dr. Atkins diet. However, since I am a vegetarian, I modified Dr. Atkins principles to suit my vegetarian diet. For the uninitiated, Dr. Atkin follows the low carb method of weight loss. This involves taking very high intakes of protien and fat for the first 15 days.. with negligible carbohydrates. Having done so, ANYBODYs body will slip into a fat burning mode.
So you lose most of your excess fat in 15-20 days depending on how much you have to lose in the first place! You then slowly start increasing your carb intake reducing fat intake simultaneously making your weight loss also slow down... till you reach the equilibrium point when your carb intake is just enough and you are neither gaining nor losing weight.
Back to me... so I discovered this diet 6 months ago... a nd have been following it since then. I have successfully lost a lot of weight and extra body fat & inches.... my skin feels much healthier... hair loss has also reduced. Overall.. I feel a much much better.
That said... let me enlighten everybody here that Dr. Nigam advocates the exact same diet which Dr. Atkin had discovered many years ago in America. I have nothing against Dr. Nigam... Infact I am myself a great proponent of his diet principles (being the same ones which I am following successfully).
What I really did not appreciate was that he has not given any credit to Dr. Atkin anywhere on his website. there are portions of his website which are a complete rip off from Dr. Atkins book. (I have read 3 of Dr. atkins books 5 times over and made my notes... so believe me when I say rip of.. I mean word for word rip off)
I still believe Dr. Nigams diet works... and it is a healthy way to lose weight.... this review is only to point out the blatant plagiarism that Dr. Nigam is guilty of. I am hoping Dr. Atkins foundation does not come gunning at him for violating their intellectual property rights.... infact he is also violating their copyright by blatantly copy pasting portions of Dr. Atkins book word for word.
Did he thinks nobody in India knows Dr. Atkin? But for someone who wants to lose weight the healthy way, I would definitely recommend Dr. Nigam. His principles are sound. And they really work. I have not signed up for his packages (never needed to!) maybe if I did that I would be able to comment better about his methods/whether or not he really follows Dr. Atkins principles properly etc. But on the face of it.... this diet works. and it works wonders.