I would like to give a honest feedback to all the expecting parents and the parents of the new born about Dr. Pravin Gokhale(New born child specialist and Pediatrician), who is having clinic at Hiranandani Medows, Thane and is a consultant in Bethany Hospital Thane, Jupiter Hospital Thane, Hiranandani Hospital Thane and Powai. I would like to share our experience with this incompetent doctor. We were blessed with twin baby boys on 24th Sept’13. This was a pre-term delivery @ 29 weeks and on insistence of Dr. Pravin Gokhale, the babies were taken to Bethany Hospital, where he is a consultant. From here the journey of our twin babies to death started with an incompetent handling of Dr. Pravin Gokhale. One of the babies breathed his last on 11th Oct’13 and another one on 20th Oct’13. Due to his lack of knowledge and negligence in handling new born babies Dr. Parvin Gokhale has pushed our babies into the death trap and made life of entire family miserable for rest of our life. We begged Dr. Gokhale to guide us to a better hospital where the facilities were good and we also clarified to him that life of these two new borns were more precious than money. However Dr. Gokhale assured that Bethany was better than Jupiter Hospital, Thane and Hiranandani Hospital, Powai and he finds no reason for us to shift. Once admitted to Bethany Neo Natal care unit(NICU) Dr. Pravin Gokhale, started giving shocks, each passing day. On the day, the babies were admitted to NICU, all the parameters of the babies were quite normal and healthy for that of a 29 weeks babies. With his line of treatment, the status of the babies started deteriorating each passing day. His standard answer was “wait and watch”, your babies are low weight i.e.970 gms each, and these are prone to lot of complications and gives the world statistics that the survival rate of the new born is only 10%. We do understand the sensitivity, however, our argument was, if the babies were not under weight, then, we would have carried them home and they would not require a new born specialist / pediatrician to handle and an NICU for care. We came to know, that Dr. Pravin Gokhale and Bethany Hospital operate hand and gloves and both mean business for each other at the cost of innocent lives. I would also like to give a feedback on the facilities at NICU, Bethany. NICU is supposed to be the most hygienic place of all. Here we find certain shortcomings which we have communicated to Chief Operating Officer of Bethany, Mr. K Xavier Selvan. I am highlighting the points below, as both of the babies caught infection after they were admitted to NICU Our babies were given a special cubicle i.e. 7 & 8. Problems at NICU are as under, 1. The wash basin, which is in between cubicle 7 & 8 stinks and there is nobody to attend, in spite having given a feedback. 2. In cubicle 7 & 8 there are lot of insects around the overhead illumination lamps and due to this the babies get insect bites. 3. The mother is given a gown for change and a face mask before visiting the baby, however the father is given only the face mask. 4. The resident doctor / duty doctor never changes his dress, he is allowed with the dress on which he comes to duty. 5. All the sisters in the NICU are having a very casual approach and get together for passing time, leaving the babies unattended. And this happens under the supervision of the duty doctor. 6. One of the duty Doctor, Dr. Madhura N is least bothered to attend the babies. In one of the instances, the sister was giving information on the blood sugar of the baby being high for which she replied, “ Jane do chhodo”( Let it go, leave it). Dr. Madhura N is fresh from college and has just now started her career and she carries such an attitude of giving up the fight to survive the baby till the last breath. Also she has lot of arrogance in talking to the babies parents. Dr. Madhura, being an women first, should understand the sensitivity and importance of precious life of the new born. Dr. Pravin Gokhale and Ms. Madhura, my earnest request to both of you is, either get yourself educated and knowledgeable enough to handle the new borns, else quit the profession of the doctor. In both the cases, you will benefit the society by saving the new borns. Parents of Twin Baby Boys