I always thought I was the careful one. Before I invest my money into anything, I do a lot of research.google-oriented research of course! I scan various forums.searching for reviews about the product. Of course, I do understand that these reviews are very subjective and hence cannot be taken at face value. yet, there lies a possibility of that one review.which could change your mind. Friends, I am writing this article to do just that.change your mind in case you are planning to join ‘doctor’ Purnima Mhatre’s Gorgeous clinic to cure your acne.
I have acne and I am also scarred by it. These god-damned biological terrorists show up on my face everyday and are hell bent on destroying my face. I decided to take the fight to them and read about ‘doctor’ Purnima’s Gorgeous clinic in Bombay Times. Within few minutes, I pored over the net trying to find reviews about the clinic to see if its any good. Unfortunately, I did not find any. But I thought no news is good news and decided to go to the clinic anyways.
I fixed an appointment with ‘doctor’. Purnima in her Bandra clinic. She came over 90 minutes late. She did all the rapid talking and told me not to worry about my acne once I join her program. I agreed and was directed to the reception. I was told by a ‘doctor’ cum manager of the clinic(yeah right!), that the program consists of 12 sessions and will cost me 35 grand. BUT.but.if I joined right then, I could reduce the price to 30 grand! Would you believe it.I fell for that load of crap! Signs of a scam and I missed it! I rushed straight to the billing counter.where I met ‘doctors’ cum receptionists(really?! just about everyone is a doctor here!:-)) who told me that I will have to pay 30 grand plus 700 for the consultation I just had with the ‘doctor’ Purnima.I thought that the consultation charge would be included in the 30 grand! Signs of greed and I missed it! Nevertheless, I joined the program cause I was desperate.
12 sessions consisted of 4 sessions of a crappy facial, 4 sessions of derma-abrasion and 4 sessions of Laser(all crappy.). I arrived at the clinic for my first session with a well-fed pimple on my face. To my horror, these guys took out the armory to wipe out the pimple from my face. Despite my protests, they went ahead and ‘extracted’ the pimple.painful process and it left me with a bloody face. 20 minutes of cotton swabbing later. I had that crappy facial. This went on for the next 3 sessions. I could not make out how the facial was even helping me. I arrived at each session with huge pimples and these ‘sadistic’ ‘doctors’ demolished everyone of them. Even today, I sport the scars these sessions gave me. To top it all, I was also prescribed expensive medicines which costed me 100 a day.
After 4 sessions I met ‘doctor’ Purnima and cribbed about the state of my face. I told her that I was worse of than before. She said that the process will take time. I cringed but I thought it was better to be positive now that I have already taken the plunge.
I entered the derma-abrasion phase with a face more scarred than ever before. Even the medicines I was taking was not showing any improvement. Everytime I came to the clinic, I sported a couple of monster pimples on my face and every time.my ‘doctor’ in charge.one Mrs. Smitha bulldozed them away.I am dark coloured guy and my face was red with all the blood! I literally had to cover my face once I was out of the clinic. And the derma-abrasion sessions was another bucket load of crap! 5 minutes! Thats all it took! And to think I was paying 2.5 grand for each session.
After one such session, I landed at Purnima’s cabin(I am not gonna call her a doctor anymore.nah.not even ‘doctor’.its a disgusting thought.I felt robbed.so I guess that makes her a white collared thief!) for my cribbing session. She noticed my bloody face and immediately called Ms. Smitha. I could gather that Smitha had not done the extraction properly. Purnima then started working on my face.making it even worse and even bloodier! This happened a couple of times. Everytime I landed at Purnima’s cabin.Smitha would get a firing.and Purnima would make my face even bloodier. After a while, there was no Smitha! I guess she was laid off.but I am not sure of this and I didnt give a damn.my face was ruined anyways.
After the derma-abrasion sessions, my Laser sessions began. Painful Laser I tell ya. 3 sessions into it and I landed at Purnima’s cabin for yet another cribbing session. I just had one more session to go and I wanted to know how the going will be. This time, however.it was different. She asked me.’do you take protein shakes?’. I said ‘yeah.so what about it?’. And there she goes.telling me.that the real culprit was my protein shake! With just one more session to go.she needed a way out.and she got it! To top it all.she even told me.that John Abraham has acne problem because of his unwillingness to let go of protein shake! Like I give a damn about that guy! I realized then.30 grand plus another 10 grand.was down the drain.I got scammed.by fraudster sin a posh clinic! After taking 30 grand.these so called doctors did not have the brains to profile my diet and lifestyle! God damned Nincompoops! Though Purnima offered extra 3 sessions.I turned it down. If 12 sessions were not enough.what the will you achieve in another 3?
So there.its out of me. I started the Gorgeous clinic saga in May 2007. I was wanting to write since then. I am sorry it took so long. I am especially sorry to those unfortunate souls who have already joined their program. I re-iterate.Gorgeous clinic and Purnima are running a huge scam. Do not be fooled when they say they are qualified doctors. They are just fulla crap. I always wondered why a doctor would work as a receptionist!? Whatever.I am glad that from now on.when Gorgeous clininc, Purnima Mhatre are googled, one of the results will be this looong post. From now on.there is atleast one reiview to consider before any one of you join Gorgeous clinic’s up program!