Dr. Purnima Mhatre and her so called team of doctors are running a scam in the name of treatment in Gorgeous Skin Clinic.
A sum of Rs. 40, 000/- was paid after a brief consultation with the doctors in the clinic, a few days prior. The money was paid towards the below treatments:
15 sessions of acne treatment (5 sessions of extraction+5 sessions of microderm embrasion+5 laser sessions); wherein I was promised complete eradication of acne and scars from my face, chest and back.
15 sessions of hair fall treatment; wherein I was guaranteed complete relief from hairfall and dandruff. I was also told that the results would not be immediate but would be noticed in about 9 months time from the commencement of the treatment.
Unlimited sessions of laser hair removal for full legs, chest and back; wherein I was guaranteed 99% hair reduction.
The treatments (acne and hairfall) did not give the desired results so Dr. Purnima asked me to undergo various expensive tests after about 12 sessions of my treatment were done. She prescribed some expensive medicines that I had to take f or 9 months and put me off my treatment during that period.
After 9 months, I still did not see any improvement. However, Dr. Purnima this time asked me to start off with my treatment. Now during one of these sessions, I noticed that the therapist was not maintaining hygiene while doing the treatment. My condition worsened. She asked me to do those expensive tests all over again.
I did them all. The results were the same. Her medicines had not made any difference. Now instead of accepting her own shortcomings, she wanted to escape all responsibilities by citing the problem in my reports.
Well, she is supposed to be a DOCTOR!! If after all the expensive tests and medication (which burnt a hole in my pocket), she throws up her hands and says, “I cannot do anything”, isn’t one justified in losing one’s temper.
After almost Rs. 70, 000/- down the drain by this time, I angrily confronted her as to what she is going to do about the worsening acne and increasing hairfall. She behaved as if she was doing me some favor and said she will give me a few more sessions “free of cost”. At which I exploded and said don’t use the word “free”. She has taken more than enough money from me, and instead of curing me she had worsened my condition. I refused to relent and tried to pin her down to accepting her shortcomings (I had raised my voice a little). She threatened me to call the police.
So guys, beware of so called doctors like Purnima Mhatre.