Hi I am chand, I work for a BPO company, and you may know call centers have shifts I work for US shifts. I often get back & lower back pain if I sit in front of the system for the whole night. It was so unbearable that if I want to get up from my chair my eyes gets watered, so it was difficult for me to sit, getting up or to lead a normal life.
Then I visited Dr. Vijay for Acucarnio treatment, this treatment is good & effective but I have to wait in his clinic for more than 1 hour every day for 3 weeks for his treatment since there were many people waiting for his treatment. So I go to his clinic as early as possible take token and wait for him, only this can reduce our waiting time.
After the treatment there is considerable reduction in my pain, I feel great now; I can lead a normal life. It is surprising that he does not use any pain killers or medicines or injections he uses only his fingers to eradicate our pains
Thanks Dr. Vijay for eradicating my pain within few weeks, which was so unbearable. Now I visit him once or twice in a month or anytime when ever I feel like.
Sir I saw your website https://drsarvotham.com it was very interesting. I have also recommended to my colleagues who were suffering from the same ailments to visit you. I hope they too will get relieved from the pain soon.