The only reason I wanted to see this film was because Geri Ryan was in it and I am a huge Star Trek fan! She only had two parts but the film was worth watching anyway so added bonus! If you are expecting a remake of Bram Stokers then you are barking up the wrong tree (or something). The story is completely different.
Obviously it’s still about a vampire called Dracula but this story is about a bloke and his daughter. This bloke is injecting himself with Dracula’s blood so when his wife/lover/whatever had this daughter she had Dracula’s blood in her too. She doesn’t know anything about this of course and keeps dreaming about this bloke – who is Dracula. Confused? I was too. The end is even more confusing when they bring Jesus etc. into it, I can’t see what the relevance was there I will have to watch it again and concentrate harder. If anyone has any ideas I’d be glad to hear them. Because this is a Wes Craven film you expect a lot of gore etc. and you’d be right. Lots of killing and stuff.
I looked at the soundtrack before watching the film and noted some good bands but they cram all of the good songs into five minutes of the film which is a shame because the soundtrack could have been brilliant. I also think they should have had someone more well known as an actor to play Dracula. Obviously it’s an important part and I’ve no idea who the bloke was who played him, perhaps I am a bit behind in times?
A really annoying bit of the film (but fun to point out) was the blatant advertising of Virgin Megastores. It was on T-shirts, banners, in lights. They even filmed some scenes in the store. Maybe they contributed to the costs, they should of anyway the amount of adverts they had in the film. Overall, an interesting storyline, worth seeing (definitely for vampire fans).