Since everybody has written about how to dress well for a formal party here, I have decided to list down the 10 worst formal party clothes that I have seen.ever!
Disclaimer: This is based on my taste and preferences. The idea is not to hurt anyones feelings / sense of if you have dressed the exact same way in some party - please excuse me.
10.The Canary Man:
Age: About 35-40
Complexion: Extremely dark
Height: About 5" 5
Build: Medium
On a hot summer evening(outdoor party) - this guy was wearing a bright yellow shirt(Canary Yellow), Tie(Light Yellow) and a Pitch black suit.
Why I hated it: First time I saw him, my drink went up my nose and I made a mess of my shirt.
9. The Hulk:
Age: 25+
Complexion: Fair
Height: About 5" 10"
Build: Like a Tree
This dude was wearing a tight black T shirt and black trousers. Surrounded by black and navy suits, he looked like a bodyguard:) He obviously wanted to showoff his muscular arms and legs!
Why I hated it: Not sure actually. He reminded me of a tree we had near our school.:)
8. The "Allah ke naam pe dede" man:
Age: About 40
Complexion: Medium
Height: About 5" 3"
Build: Very very thin.
This guy was wearing sunglasses(in an evening party) and a striped suit.
Why I hated it: I felt like taking his sunglasses off, smashing them on the ground and asking him "Sunglasses in the evening? Why.pray.why?" OK.ofcourse I didnt - I am not that much of a psycho!
7. "I am still so young" Lady:
Age: About 35?
Complexion: Fair(Though she had about 1 inch of make up - so not sure)
Height: About 5" 2
Build: Like a south indian actress(XXXL in every department)
This lady evidently took a ride in her Time Machine just before the party to pick up her clothes. She was in a shirt(two sizes too small for her), a mini skirt(four sizes too small) and wore outrageous makeup. She had green eye shadow, Kaajal and blush on!
Why I hated it: She was jutting out of her clothes in every direction. She had left her top 2 buttons open and was showing a clea*vage. She just had not got the body to carry those clothes off. Did you borrow your daughters clothes, lady?
6. The "Shirtless Wonder":
Age: About 25
Complexion: Fair
Height: About 5" 6"
Build: Well Built
This dude forgot his shirt! He had aJacket on and he wore his vest - but simply did away with the shirt!
Why I hated it: He forgot his shirt at a formal party. Need I say more?
*5. The wannabe "Mallika Sherawat" lady:
*Age: About 25
Complexion: Very Fair
Height: About 5"
Build: Average. Good figure.
She should have been at a bollywood party. She was wearing a see-through saree and a blouse(that was so low cut it made me marvel that I did not simply slip out). Her pallu slipped off more times than I can remember - but each time she was equally surprised and gigled like school girl. I felt bad for her boyfriend / husband who was really looking uncomfortable.
Why I hated it: Actually, I did not!;) But it was really inappropriate for this party )
*4. The Cowboy:
*Age: About 30
Complexion: Average
Height: About 5" 10"
Build: Plump(with a huge belly)
He must have not read the invitation. Or was really not bothered! He was in a ragged blue Jeans, T Shirt and had slipped on a Jacket on top. I know its supposed to be the "CrossOver look" and Arrow keeps advertising it - But Come on!
Why I hated it: I felt like gifting the guy and Shirt and a trouser!
*3. The "Mirror- Mirror on the dress" Lady
*Age: About 25
Complexion: Too much make up to tell. Very fair face but not-so-fair arms:)
Height: About 5" 4
Build: Average
She was wearing a Lehenga Choli with mirror work. Her lehenga had more mirrors on it than I could count. Her Choli was backless - tied behind with 3 strings(quite a marvel) and do I put it.2 very strategically placed mirrors in the front! Hmmmm. Did I mention that the dress was BLOOD RED?
Why I hated it: Too many mirrors gave me a headache.
2. The "Flowery Dude":
Age: About 35+
Complexion: Average
Height: About 6"
Build: Average
He wore a bouquet to the party. His Shirt had flower prints more suited to a beachwear. His trousers wear a dark burgundy. Is this the Metro se xual look? Not sure.
But I will buy my wife that print soon - will look good on a skirt!:)
Why I hated it: I like flowers in the garden - not on a shirt.
1. The "Pamela Anderson cum Barbie":
Age: About 22-23
Complexion: Very Fair
Height: About 5" 5
Build: Extremely voluptuous(Imagine Pamela.ok not THAT much!)
She was dressed in a pink evening dress, slit right up to her mid thighs. The dress was really low cut, lots of frills and lace near showed a generous cleav*age. Every time she sat down and crossed her legs, it gave men like me a reason suck in our stomachs and gulp another drink!
*Why I hated it: My wife caught melooking at her and I had to sleep on the sofa!:(
Hell, what was I supposed to do?*