Drona would have been biggest disaster if it wasnt
of Love Story 2050.
Drona has set new standards of how bad a movie can get.
It can be considered a benchmark for flops.
Abhishek as always was trying hard to mimic the style of his father Big B & as always failing Miserably.
The plot was very pathetic. Add to Kay Kay Menon who was also wasted as a stupid cheap villein.
Priyanka has done some decent work though but that alone cant save this film.
Add to the ugly sounding Drona Music which feels like pinching your years.
The plot doesnt seems to move at all.
The costume of Drona will be remembered as the worst a so called super hero can wear.
Jaya is also wasted.
The final fight has no sense what so ever.
The logic is completely lost from first scene to the last scene.