I booked a shipment(D11688076) via DTDC on Dec 8 evening, at their Vashi office. I was told it will be dispatched by Monday(Dec 10), and will be deliveredon priority within 4-5 days, for which I was charged more than Rs.700. Its been two weeks since then, and my package is yet to be delivered. The package contained warm clothes for my sick brother-in-law, so that he could wear them during the winter. There were also a number of shirts and trousers. Since I have been using DTDC Services for a long time, I never expected them to lose my stuff - hence, the value of my goods I mentioned on paper was very minimal, Rs. 600 or so. The actual value will be more than 5-6 times that amount, if I re-purchase them today.
When the package wasnt delivered, I called up multiple times, both to their Vashi office(where I booked my shipment) as well as yourCustomer Service - I spoke to Divakar, Sushila and Mrs. Beena Cheriyan as well. Every time Im told "Were looking into it" and "well call you back", but the call-back never happens and I have to call up all over again. This has been happening for a large part of this month!
DTDC is yet to offer me any refund/compensation against my shipment.
DTDC has lost my goods(which had sentimental value), never bothered to call back or apologize, and I have had to call repeatedly to get an update! I WANT A FULL REFUND PLUS COMPENSATION, FOR THE HARASSMENT CAUSED TO ME!
Amborish Roychoudhury