I bought and mobile accessory online and it was delivered from Rhotak vide AWB # Z557xxxx on June 8. It arrived in Bangalore on June 12 and the status was Out for Deliver. The same status was for the remaining 2 days.
When I checked the status on June 15, the status was suddenly changed to attempted. When contacted customer care after lot of tries, they told me the same old story.they attempted delivery but door was locked.
When I challenged them as my family was in home all the time, they gave me some contact nos which were totally irrelevant. The item was never delivered and there is no explanation given, rather the DTDC staffs are rude. Their call centres never get connected even after repeated tries. Most of the contact nos they provide are changed or disconnected, there is no way you can escalate. I am surprised how this co is operating with these service standards?