Having to track a consignment from Delhi to Kochi recently was one hell of a time consuming activity. First of all if the clowns managing DTDC have no clue about customer care, what will their employees do? I have had to make four calls over two days (Mon and Tue) to track a shipment that I was assured would reach me by the previous Friday.
Try hard as I may I could not get the customer care reps (one of whom is Diya - not being personal but just the one I managed to get the name off as this treatment got repeatedly meted out to me) to answer a simple question as to how long it takes on an average for a consignment to reach from Delhi to Kochi.
Each time I was put on hold (despite my having told them at the very beginning of the conversation how I dont want to be hung up on) and the line would just be hung up whilst you can hear all the chit chat on the background. It has been a pathetic experience and their web site is perhaps the worst when it comes to tracking. Shows an item is in TRANSIT. Boy dont I know that? If I had received it why would I want to track it in the first place.
DTDC please start with giving your Kochi customer care office a lesson on how to politely answer questions first. It may go a long way in improving your rating on this site which evidently is not much to write home about.