My video con customer id is 146136960. Right from day 1, in video con dth service. I did not get the channels i requested. After Weeks of sending repeated mails it got remedied For a day only to break again and provide unwanted Channels.
I have no inclination to waste my time again with a Useless dth provider in sending endless mails. Not worth it. Just going to think I threw that dish purchase money to a cause.
I provided the customer id above to indicate that this Review is not a deliberate attempt to slander videocon dth, Indias largest business house but to inform you the Plight of ordinary guys who mind their own things in life only to see it messed because of others nonstop nonsense.
Video con dth wasted lot of my good time in mails And never ending phone calls. Unless you wish to Waste time like that think it over. I would say airtel dth to be the best bcse before this scrap I had airtel dth and it was very good. You pay higher money to
Airtel dth and they give excellent service. Not like videocon dth And becoming a menace to its own customers.