Hey Guys Today I am going to Review DU Screen Recorder Android app.
This app is used for Recording Your Android Screen, Recording Android Gameplays and many more. But the worst part about this app is that it consumes a very huge amount of RAM during Running i.e 700 MB due to which you will not be able to record your screen smoothly and you will get very large number of frameskips( Lagging) .
Its Optimisation in Very Bad.
In a normal smartphone with 2 GB RAM you cant expect a smooth video as more than 80% of the RAM will be used by this app during recording Due to which other process cant run perfectly and slower your device.
You will Need a high end Device to make it run smoothly .
So Guys If You have 2-3 GB RAM dont install this app as it will be waste of time.
I Hope my review will help you.
Thankyou for Reading.