Landing at Dubai International Airport anytime of the day or night is like walking into a magical world - an impeccable building - impossibly long, stretching for what seems like miles in either direction. The architecture, decor, furniture and facilities are world class.
Landing at night makes you feel like youve been transported into a fairytale, from the moment that you see the lights blinking at you through the planes camera, to when you step into the passenger lounge. The palm trees all lit up with sparkling lights, the cleaning crew constantly around, the clean clean toilets all add to the experience of shopping in one of the finest airports in the world. Dubais duty free attracts shoppers from all over the world for its products, prices and ambiance. There are luxury cars to be won, adding to the excitement.
The transit lounges, cafés and other passenger amenities are also very passenger friendly. Just one grouse - wish they had more foreign exchange counters/ direct dialing phone centres for passengers. As far as I could see there was just one of each. Not that its crowded, but with the mile long floors, it can take a while to reach!!!
On the whole, stopping over at Dubai Airport is worth the experience itself, even if you dont go into Dubai itself. Bon Voyage!