I visited dubai last year for vacation. The first step on the land of dubai instantly made me feel good. It was 10 day trip.
It is the city which has the tallest building of the world.
The city is very beautiful and properly planned. The cars that I always saw in movies I saw it randomly running on roads. The brands that I had always heard of I saw them at huge malls.
Its clean and safe. Human life is valued. There are rules for everything, like if you dont cross on zebra crossing you get fined. Which is a good thing. Normally in india we are taught all this in school but no one as such follows. Its a country where everything is easily available.
This city has everything biggest, largest, tallest. Lol. at burj Khalifa they also have an option in the digital binocular where u can even see the past dubai, which was like wao for me.
And the Atlantis, our king khan(srk)has a house there too.
The fountain dance, the food, global village. Waoo. there is soo much in dubai that one can do. No one can ever get bored there.
The thing that I totally loved about the city is the planning. Very systematically they have planned everything.
I tried a lot but could find no negative point about dubai. Its a very very nice place to visit. Given a chance I would mind revisiting it again. Its mumbai of the Gulf.!