Dublin ? A finish name. A bar disc of Chennai. Pretty one with a good exquisite environment of southern metro city
Good environment, good music, superb lightning different experience after hanging on few pubs at Bangalore I crash landed
This is too good and not like those of Bikes and barrel of Residency towers as well of Pasha. Really different with different lighting
A sort of husky atmosphere with over head floor .
Hey if you have a girl friend just land on the place no entry fees. But on week ends be sure you have a gal. Off week ends just try with your friends and be ready with a pocket full of money ? Abba song was played while I had a scotch.
?Money money money pocket full of money rich man?s full ?
Shakes of bar mixer and aerobics of bottles and glasses will sure catch your eyes as well the posh dressed gals.. I mean it.
Have the experience once? worth in Chennai
If you don?t have a gal on week ends the best option is book a room for yourself in Park sheroton ? No restriction for those who stay there.
Other wise you would end up meeting those muscle man.
My courtesy goes to Mr.Don from Ireland - entered as a guest.... hei hei hei