Google is a world wide search engine with billions of users around each and every country of this world. People dont even think for a second before doing a search or even entering personal data. But once, many peopoe started complaing against Google search because lots of them found Google tracking their data, search details, even privacy related datas. So many people still get upset over Google for tracking their search history and personal data. Google uses the cookies available on the browsers to track people. So to prevent Google from doing these mishaps, we must use an alternate search engine and DuckDuckGo is obviously best in this business. Unlinke Google, it doesnt track its users through cookies or any other ways. DuckDuckGo is the most safe search engine without any privacy tracking. It has built-in privacy protection system which helps the users to browse without any privacy breaking concern. So I think DuckDuckGo should be more used rather than Google. Ive been a DuckDuckGo user since the last 5 years and I use it both on my laptop and mobile.