What made Blink 182 famous? Was It Enema Of the State? No. It was a little single from this album which rocketed sky high. That single is known to everyone as Dammit. It made this album Blink 182 famous, 2 years before Enem Of The State. However the single was only really big in America. Over here they remained relativly unknown. That is until the relese of Enema, but thats not what I am here to write about. I am here to tell you all about Dude Ranch and some of the amazing songs on it. (well actually they are all amazing!!) First I will write a track listing then a review of each song.
1 : Pathetic
2 : Voyeur
3 : Dammit (growing up)
4 : Boring
5 : Dick Lips
6 : Waggy
7 : Enthused
8 : Untitled
9 : Apple Shampoo
10 : Emo
11 : Josie
12 : A New Hope
13 : Degenerate
14 : Lemmings
15 : Im Sorry
Pathetic - This is a fast opener (well faster than the starters on Enema and TOYPAJ anyway) and is a great song. This is (i think) about breaking up with (or getting dumped by) someone, and trying to get them back, without any success. They just blow you off....repeatedly....
ive done all I can but she still wants to be left alone
Voyeur - I havent got a clue what to write about this one! I suppose it could be about going out with someone where you have to sneak around to see them, and / or they treat you badly.....only a suggestion!
Not the best song on the album but still a good one to listen to when you are bored....
Ive made mistakes by looking in the wrong window, your dad is big and I have never seen his face
Dammit (growing up) - This is the smash hit that made Blink 182 popular in America, if not only a little bit over here in Europe. This is supposedly a song Mark writ in under 5 minutes about a break up that never actually happened!! That makes it clear what the song is about if the lyrics are gettin ya!! Also this was one of the singles that was released on the album. (the other two were Josie and Apple Shamppo but I cant remeber which order they came out in!)
and maybe ill see you, at a movie sneak preview, youll show up, and walk by, on the arm of that guy
Boring - this is quite obviously about being with someone who you find boring and un-intellectual! Wanting to get out of the relatiosnship is the first thing on your mind, and you dont want to be with the person any more...they bore you to much!
boring, alright misplaced your values, forgot the importance of being right
Dick Lips - This song was on the Live album but it was called rich lips so that people wouldnt complain. great song, although not the best song on the album....pretty fast and some chugging guitars (not heavy, just fast). About when Tom (blink singer and guitarist) got kicked out of school when he was 15 for taking alchohol in to classes. If you read the lyrics you will see why that is the meaning.
remeber im a kid, I know not what I did
Waggy - This is my favourite track on the album (apart from Apple Shamppo) and is about wishing that you hadnt just let a break up happen between you and the one you love. Wishing that you had said something to change things....pretty slow compared to others.
wishing that I could take back all those words that meant nothing that I didnt say
Enthused - About dreaming about being with a girl that you like a lot while on drugs...that is what I get from the https://lyrics...sort of...that is probably the biggest load of bollocks I have ever written!! oh well....
am I srungout, crazy or not allowed to be the one who gets crazy over you
Untitled - I havent got a clue why the name of this is Untitled. Maybe they couldnt think of a name and just went with that! who knows!! Great song with some great guitars and singing...i think that this one is about going out with someone who is younger than you, then breaking it off because of the age.....possible??
i think of a while ago, we might have had it all
Emo - This song is called Emo because when the boys wrote it, it sounded like an emo song (emo is a style of music), and it just stuck. So when they played in the studio, and the ywanted to play it they said, oh yeah lets play that emo song again. That is the truth! I read on the net somewhere....it was a direct qoute from Mark (blink 182 singer, bassist).
one more time you ill laugh about it, and hell never try and give you more
Josie - This one, once again, is about a girl that none of the band actually ever dated!! it is completely made up (i think!) Great song, and my third fave on the album!
yeah my girlfriend takes me home when im to drunk to drive, and she doesnt get all jealous when I hang out with the guys
A New Hope - The name A New Hope is actually the name of the music which is played when the words are scrolling up the screen at the beginning of Star Wars. The band loved the name, so the yused it. This is actually a song all about Star Wars, which isnt surprising considering the name of the song!!
and of course id do anything for her, id search the moons of Endor...
Degenerate - this is a comedy track (which there seems to be many of on any given Blink 182 album) and has no meaning!! it is quite funny though!!
crossed the street, naked at night, bend over to show some moonlight...
Lemmings - This is about a friend Mark used to have who wanted everyone to follow him and do whatever he did. Lemmings as you may know are creatures that follow each other around ad fall off cliffs together.
but people are what they want to be, not lemmings to the sea.
Im sorry - This is a slow song compared to the rest on the album, and is one of the amazing ones. The title tells you all really, doesnt it! this is also the longest song, and carries over a long high pitched sound and then Mark going to the toilet, then getting a dog to drink out of the toilet bowl before flushing it.
dont bide your time, because it is almost over, I know your down and ill see you around
Also on this album, inside the sleeve is some hilarious pictures of Tom Mark andScott dressed up in cowboy costumes doing some pretty funny stuff, and coaught in some pretty rude positions, with the lyrics scrolling round in squares outwards.