This is a movie about not to smart guys. They parked there car one night then the next day they woke up and forgot like everything that happened last night. So they cant remember where the car is. If you like that 70s show you will think this movie is funny. But most people will say this movie is pretty lame.
It was pretty funny at times. Like when they recked there outside of there girlfriends house but the girlfriends didnt go outside so they never knew. Another time it was funny was when Sean William Scott and Ashton Kutcher both got tatoos the night they couldnt remember and they took there shirt off and looked at what it said and it said dude. than ashton said whats mine say and it said Sweet. the funny part of this was that they said it over and over like thinking the other guy was saying dude like dude that is a cool tatoo. And sweet that is a cool tatoo. That was soo funny.
They are making another movie just like his in the year 2004. It is called Seriously dude where is my car? Both people are still in it so it will be just as funny or just as dumb whatever you think.