Coomon I dunno whats wrong with all yopu other dudes who wrote this review..but I think the movie is good for laughs..agrred that theres no plot story..but the only store is bout the dudes car getting lost..i dont think its that bad
its preety funny despite what anyone says..i think u should see it..its a small movis ..of approx 1.20 hrs thats that..its better than sittting home n watching t.v.
its like a welcome change (a movie which makes no sense)but definately cracks u up nicely.especiall the and then part
I definately feel that all the crazy nuts like me will definately enjoy the movie..
its got everytrhing ..starting from chicks to aliens to dogs to hunks common.. who is lookin for a story..frankly I love laughing n this movie made me laugh my guts out