Govinda ( DR )
Khader Khan ( KK)
Raveena Tandon ( R T )
Johny Lever ( JL )
The story and characters
A different Superhero who can pack a humorous punch played by yours humorously , Govinda. The guy who can fix anything, Listen to your thoughts only if you think out loud, no problem can be too big for him to solve. Meet Dulhe Raja ( DR ) . The title role and the protagonist. There are two choices, you choose whats best for you. Either you are with him, or you are against him. The latter being a very easy decision and yet a formidable option to live with. The guy just cant be beat ( that is a deliberate attempt at my new grammar formation , please dont try to correct me). The bigger they are the sooner they fall is the order of the day. The direction and the story line which has focused more on the superpowers of the title role has convinced me to be on his ( DR) side.
Here we meet Khader Khan ( KK ) , the person who chose to be against DR. For very obvious reasons, DR is a viable competitor in his field of business. KK sets up a Hotel, where DR has a Dhaba ( Hotel ) at the very entrance of the KKs hotel. KKs irritation with DR is very much expected and comes naturally, putting together the contradicting attitudes. when he isnt scheming against DR he is watching out for his daughter who is seeing a money hungry Rahul. A fathers instincts can sniff out a stinky rat in a deepest corner of the world if he has a daughter. Who ever his daughter is going to marry has to pass the litmus test of the fathers apprehensions which are playing much of its defenses, and at this, Rahul fails . So much so , that he is willing to accept an enemy as his Son In Law rather than let his daughter marry this hustler.
So here is where these DR and KK meet, with a thin line of difference between them. The competing parties going for each others throat to provide you the much needed humor and keep you at the edge of the seat if only you can imagine how better could it get. For KK things were going worse already with the competition and RTs sudden change in behavior for rejecting Rahul as son - in - law, RT decides to use DR as a scapegoat for getting even with her dad. After a few twists ( dances) and Turns ( Govinda shtyle) Well, at this point KK realizes that DR is indeed a worthy and deserving son - In - Law.
What happens next , Need I tell you. Go watch this flick.
I have drawn certain conclusions after watching this movie. After donning the Hat of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson ( Alternating these roles) I have made some elementary conclusions.
Conclusion # 1 - Audibility of thoughts
In more than one occasion , DRs contender has made more devious plans in his more than audible Thought. Remember, nothing ever passes by DRs super ears, who can hear what you think. We dont know for sure if we think in lesser tone would it be audible to DR. But the reason he gave would be Of course I can hear you, you think loud enough. so here is a thought people ( this is a loud thought ) Be careful what you think.
Conclusion # 2 - choose your friends carefully, choose your enemies Wisely
If you are a smart punk who can dictate everything with your wit and the buzzword being that you are single , then hey , what are you waiting for. find a hotel owner see if he has a cute daughter who is single, dont bother even if she is seeing someone ( throw the caution to the winds) and compete with him. chances are you may end up as his son - in - law . ( dont forget to include your taxi bill in his account)
conclusion # 3 - Learn to sing, dance and fight
The best part was the singing competition with witty lyrics and shayarees included making you go with a smiley face. Yeah thats it. Learn to sing, If you see conclusion # 2 singing and dancing is essential to complete the criterion on the way to meet your future father in law and look him in the eye and play and beat him at his own game.
Conclusion # 4 - Have a sniffer sidekick
Johny Lever ( JL) here is the manager who works for KK. but eats at DRs joint. Does some of the crucial dirty work for DR. always make sure you have someone who can sniff information and technology who can do things for you, who can vouch for you and who can make things way bit easy for you. which movie is complete without comedy. make sure your sniffer sidekick has a different perspective (who can see things way you do).
conclusion # 5 - The world in on your side
Being like DR here, does have one advantage ( among the others of course). KK asked his wife and his Manager whose side are they on. The answer was Hey I am on your side. you also see a better way to tell a lie. You can Say I am on your side and point the finger up. dont get me wrong, I mean the Index finger that points a direction. Not the finger that conveys a you know what. So , having such super powers you can expect the adversaries allies to be on your side.
This review is dedicated to Ganesh B or popularly known to Mouthshut circles as GB. who celebrates his Birthday today ( july 10th 2003). His wild nature and natural sense of humor has made me his sidekick. For further information on GB please check out
Comments Awaited.
Davie Boy
PS - GB , where is my can of beer you promised.
Happy birthday Dude.