ACP Vishnu Kamath(Abhishek) is given the job to make GOA drug free no matter what and there is a story of Lorry(PRATIEK) n Joki(RANA). Three guys coming together pretty much like Abhisheks critically acclaimed Yuva. Lorry is someone who is a typical middle class guy who isnt able to make it to the U.S. university due to financial problems hence he succumbs to pressure n makes the mistake that makes the movie.
JOKI is someone real close to Lorry n doesnt want him to make the same mistake that his sweetheart Zoey did and ACP Kamath is the only way out for Joki and Lorry. There is also Biscuta (Pancholi) who drags Joki and Lorry into trouble.
Now coming to the performances Abhishek is at par with performance of Yuva n Guru. He is brutal as well as cool, easily one of the top 10 cops of bollywood. Rana is honest to his character n makes an impressive debut. Pratik is honest with his role n doesnt try to do to much. Bipasha doesnt have mush to do and Pancholi could have done better.
The first half of the movie is terrific its hard to find a negative there but the second half could have been trimmed a little bit as you are waiting for Kamath to get back on the screen and take you by surprise yet again.
Rohan Sippy does a fine job and he shows he like to make different kinds of movies and doesnt like to stick to one kind of cinema all the three movies he has made let it be Kuch na Kaho or Bluffmaster or DMD are different from each other. The script is great and it makes sure that you stay on the edge of your seats till the very end.
AB is back with a bang for sure. Just look out for him in the scenes where he puts the gun up the a** of a criminal n the scene where he goes in the search of MIcheal Barbosa or when he comes face to face with Biscuta.
Overall DUM MARO DUM has a lot of DUM for sure.