This movie was about the worst excuse for a fantasy film there is. I generally like most sword and sorcery films but this one was truly horrible. The only saving grace is Irons. He proves that even great actors can be duped into acting in bad movies. The best part of this movie was the free Dragonlance collectable card I got at the ticket booth (which I promptly threw away).
The characters were weak and transparent. Sean Wayans character was totally uncalled for. When will hollywood learn that this cheap use of comic relief ruins the integrity of a film. If it is a comedy then promote it as one (at least have a funnier part for the fool if you insist on using him).
I wouldnt recommend this movie to a soul. Like most hollywood studios, they tried to get a movie out before a major event like Lord of the Rings and didnt care about its true content. As long as it came out first, so poor slobs like me (who were anxiously anticipating LOR) go see it
This is a BAD movie