Dear Friends,
Delhi Durbar on Outer circle CP is a restaurant which must be avoided and in best case scenario some criminal lawyer visiting this place should take them to court for serving unhygienic food.
The serving staff appears seemingly from criminal background.
They are easily seen touting for money from folks visiting from foreign origin.
I have had the opportunity of going there and experiencing the distasteful service and I would recommend all of you to stay miles away from this pathetic joint.
Delhi Durbar is located on the outer circle of CP and is adjacent to Nirulas.
The joint has a very good up front to draw people in and once they get people to order they will try and hush you through and there food is positively stale.
These observations can be concurred if u get to be seated near the door opening to Kitchen and all u need to do is sit there and observe.
It is a freaking out experience.