We needed a couple of bar stools and recently discovered Durian’s perfect little chairs, which are not only chic, but go very nicely with our den’s decor. Honestly, they’re not much to look at, but, the first thing that clicked in mind was its appearance. It seemed like ornamental dark glasses, stem and all. All that was missing, was a high-bowl filled with fine whiskey.
We tested this on a Friday and asked friends over for dinner, to avoid sitting in it. Needless to say, do tipsy friends need any encouragement? The Ooh’s & Aah’s from said tipsy friends left us secretly beaming within.
The last and final approval came from the better half’s boss, whose keen eyes spotted the Durian bar stools immediately. After several drinks, twists and some fine tit-bits, we knew we made the best choice in picking it up.
Now I’m not good at picking furniture, it find it too tiresome, nevertheless the wife’s got a classy taste and she knows her stuff! Trust women to know the best!
Here’s our verdict on our latest fab addition.
• Comfort 5/5
• Aesthetics 5/5 For obvious reasons
• Height & adjustibility 4/5
• Price: 4/5
Wed look forward to some great after sales and offers, wed also look forward to some colours, black, sometimes doesnt go with everything, am I right?