I bought a Durian set of furniture items for about Rs 1, 50, 000/- as they promised me 5 years guaranty. In the 1st year itself the furniture was repaired 3 items. The chair broke in 1st year itself but they say that chair cannot be repaired as it is plastic & not under guarantee.
Now it is 1.5 years and they charge for repair and now ask for extra fittings to hold their paperboard compressed wood together which looks good from outside but will damage if it comes in contact with water or if u use it. I just wasted my money on this stupid furniture and this company which are PROFESSIONAL CHEATERS with no respect or concern about quality or customers money. They are all out to loot the customer by giving attractive ads and discount schemes. We should not take this furniture even if it is offered free as it is a total waste of money.
I urge all customers of Durian should file a case against this cheats, they are not fit to be called a furniture but good as a showpiece not to be used or touched.