Today world is becoming technical or developing human beings try to make these type of things which can do work as easy as, for saving time, etc. one of the technical thing is e-books which provide many facilities.
when I started reading and writing it only from paper books, anything what I have learn only from paper books .but early when I know about e-book I also try to read and from e-books I thing that it will very hard to learn from e-book but when I start learn from that I fell or see very easy.
when I read from paper books I show many disadvantages as compare to e-book such as:
>there is difficulty to search any thing from paper books.
>if we have paper book then we have to care of it .
>if we use paper books than it will take(space) the area
but when we use e-books all the problems from paper books are not seen.
using e-books are very good and important for every body life because it provide many facilities such as:
> whenever we want to search anything we can easily found that.
>there is no difficulty to use dictionary.
>it do not cover the area.
>it also save our money as well time.
>whenever we use e-books we can easily read or write whatever we want.
>there are many facilities or advantages by using e-books.
so friends I requested to all use e-books in the place of paper books because it is a very good way to achieve your goals.