In the ancient times, people wrote on the rocks. Chinese invented the papers. And now in modern technology, there is a new procedure to read/write books, i.e E Books.
This subject is vividly dependent on the mentality of the reader. Actually e-books of today also are coming from paper books(exception is very less) but in the near future it will be a distinct one.
In case of mine, I shall always prefer paper books if there are options. This is a classic system to spend leisure. And for the country like India or other third world countries E-book always is a far thing for most of the citizen. Paper book is still very very much in usage as compared to e-books.
Electronic media is very aggressive, it is improving everyday. But in our country in the forthcoming 50 years newspaper will be 100 miles ahead of electronic media. In that way paper books also far more ahead than E-books. And it is an irritating factor and tiring too, to read a book sitting in front of your computer and watch it properly. Sometimes concentration of mind gets lost.
Laptop computers and new technology is producing many fruits but it is still unreachable to many of the readers.
Technology is improving everyday. But I will not be happy if in near future E-books get more importance than paper books. And I am sure because of resource problem in the year 2100 there will be no paper book.