Ah, the topic ofEbooks this is a great topic, in fact no one on the other abusive sites, not the mediocre advisor on my distrust list covered this. No surprise there.
However Ebooks are a tremendous tool. In fact as technology and Internet go, Ebooks are now being incorporated and have become widely accepted now in this time of costly and capitalistic pursuits in the US.
First of Ebooks are taking the place of those highly expensive and sometimes too worldly Paper books by such publishers like Oreilly and Symantec, and Orion. Now these publisher dont get me wrong are good, but has anyone read any of their stuff I have and I can tell you much of the stuff in their books which cost anywhere between$50-$60 dollars are covered in Ebooks as well.
So there you have important argument for Ebook, their much more inexpensive than a physical book but Ebooks can range in topics to suit anyones purpose:
Want to learn about Neurological networks?
An ebook will have it!
Want to learn about Netware or the Unix Operating System or Windows Xp?
Yep theirs Ebooks on these systems as well.
Want info on being Microsoft Certified? Yes Ebooks on that too.
Want to learn about Visual C+ Programming and Networking?
Yep lots of Ebooks on that too.
Want to learn actual code done in Articial Intelligence(that
is Visual C+ and Visual Basic)? Done an Ebook will have it.
Want to know how to hack into somebodys pc? LOL Welll an Ebook
may or may not be available for that too, but a good hacker will often pick
his tricks and traits of the street not a book. Just like a good magician
a hacker wont reveal his tricks in a simple book, and if he does
hell probably be target for revealing this info.
Ive seen Ebooks covering every from Army Intelligence, to President Bushs hidden affairs with Enron that are absolutely mindblowing.
Theirs Ebooks on modifying a PS2 using whats called a modchip
, to play backed up games on a PS2(which many gamers are doing today).
There are so much information out there for the taking its not even funny.
The more info and knowledge one has of course the more power he or she has.
Its almost like comparing a good critic from the bad one, a bad critic will
show the obvious to someone while a good critic will often have more
knowlege on a subject(like movies for example) than a bad one no
matter what status or prestige the bad ones get.
So there you have a good idea of the variety and power that these
Ebooks can have.
For instance if I were to take a class on Artificial Intelligence or Neurological Network in my university it would cost somewhere in the neighborhood of a$1000, ridiculous. Especially because Ive seen some really horrible teaching in the area of these subjects.
In other cases you might take a class on this subject but still have no working code on the subject and really whats the point of paying some greedy American institution tons of money if your not getting your moneys worth? None.
Ebooks have helped me tremendous, of course my background in computers
and programming go far beyond most people on here. I can programs
with ftp, and tcp/ip properties and write small gaming programs, which do
everything from programming a joystick to running a simple 3d image on the screen. Some of the code Ive used come from my physical books but many of them come of the web, from Ebooks and thus being able to take that code in a Ebook and modify it to my hearts content to perform other tasks.
Of course some people might be saying where I do find Ebooks?
Netsearch engines like Google, Yahoo and others will give you many links to Freebook and Demo Ebooks, just type a search for Ebooks and youll get a couple of links, type in a more specific search and youll get an Ebook to your area.
One common Ebook page is netilibray.com where you can register for free I might add and check out many Ebooks.
So there you have it then you have a good idea of whats these Ebooks
can do and you have my full flege support of Ebooks.
In fact Ebooks in poorer countries were students might not have the money to pursue a higher education or job can get an Ebook online and basically selfeducate themselves within days and have some good working knowledge of the topics they desire.
This doesnt seem a big deal here in America, because here we
take everything for granted, but other in countries like India,
South America, or Central America(were we give little aid in terms
of funding for education) the internet and its power such as an
Ebook helps out tremendously.
So Ebooks are a great way no matter how you look at it to cut down on cost and sayscrew you to those greedy institutions who may or may not deliver the quality education you desire from your hard earned dollars put in that institution. I myself have saved hundreds of dollars with these Ebooks and found part time and
seasonal employment with my expertise in computers so the opportunities are there.
So far there is no law on Ebooks themselves everyone is free to download and look at them, now this itself should not be taken for granted. Like I said a greedy company might buy out a web site hosting these valuable ebooks and rob the opportunity of those disadvantaged individuals that dont have the money to pursue
a higher education or get a good job because they lack the computer
skills in an area. So my advice besides getting an Ebook is to
get as many Ebooks as one can! while theyre still available.
*Dont take for granted that Ebooks on sites will always be available, they
wont web sites have costs, bandwith and storage space to supply the Ebooks,
and some of them do go belly up and out of business just like a regular
American company *
Now someone on MS said Ebooks come only in one format, thats untrue, Ebooks come in PDF, text, zip and rar formats.
Now with these special free utilities out there, anyone can extract the info on an Ebook!
So there you have again an obstacle removed for those who said that they cant read an Ebook.
I hope you enjoyed this review then on Ebooks as you can see Ebooks besides for their education content hold a cost effective benefit that a high expensive and sometimes badly written physical book cant
Any other questions on Ebooks feel free to comment but I think Ive
the most important areas in the subject.