Looks like these are fake reviews. See the comments posted by mk0638020 and annuak1997. Exactly the same.word by word.
By: mk0638020| Feb 06, 2016 03:33 PM Last week, I need to shift to Pune from Delhi for 6 months to work on company’s project. I live in PG at Delhi and cannot carry my entire goods to Pune. I was extremely worried about where to keep my goods for 6 months, as I have to vacant my room. One of my friends told me about home storage facility of Eagle Relocation India Pvt Ltd. I stored my goods with them and feeling relief that my goods are secured. However process for storing goods was quite long which irritates me lot, but at the end goods are safe so I am quite satisfied.
Good Comapany
By: annuak1997| Jan 27, 2016 04:40 PM Last week, I need to shift to Mumbai from Delhi for 6 months to work on company’s project. I live in PG at Delhi and cannot carry my entire goods to Pune. I was extremely worried about where to keep my goods for 6 months, as I have to vacant my room. One of my friends told me about home storage facility of Eagle packers movers. I stored my goods with them and feeling relief that my goods are secured. However process for storing goods was quite long which irritates me lot, but at the end goods are safe so I am quite satisfied.