Any film released today containing a cast list including Jim Carrey, Jeff Goldblum, Geena Davis and Damon Wayans would get PLENTY of media exposure. Back when ‘Earth Girls are Easy’ was released in 1989, none of the above were the household/star names they are today.
Is this why this film – although not a classic – is a rather forgotten gem?
This is a film made in typical ‘B’ Movie style, but with all the hallmarks of those films that are big hits today like ‘Road Trip’, ‘American Pie’ and even ‘Men in Black’. Although ‘Earth Girls’ is pretty much a genre all of its own - Alien, Comedy, Musical, Teen…. well just call it a fun film.
Basically the plot (of sorts) is that three aliens crash land their spacecraft in Geena Davis pool. And those aliens are none other than Goldblum, Wayans and Carrey – do you start to get the idea! As this was released at a time when none of the actors where the box office stars that they became later, so it was probably quite cheap to make. No mega outer space special effects here - their spaceship it not exactly high tech more low blue peter.
Geena Davis plays ‘Valerie’ a vacuous ‘Valley girl’ who spends much of the movie in one of the tiniest bikinis you could imagine. So that’s a plus point (or two!) for a start. The aliens, ‘Mac’, ‘Wiploc’ and ‘Zeebo’ (yes no great expense nor inventive thought process spent there either), soon get their ‘alien fur’ shaved off vy Valerie and her best friend Candy and …surprise, surprise, look just like humans – well Hollywood actors at least.
Nowadays we have films where aliens look…ALIEN. With this stripped down, low budget affair – why waste money on extra costumes or make up? We know the trio are aliens – they told us so and in any case, didn’t their spaceship crash land in the pool?
They quickly infiltrate the local community, learning to speak pretty near perfect in hours. Damn clever these aliens eh? They get romantically entangled with the girls – which in itself rather puts a damper on Valerie’s impending wedding plans.
Anyway – plotwise – that’s about it. Pretty much any excuse for a party with some wisecracking aliens and some scantily clad young ladies. If I told you one of the featured Musical numbers is called ‘Because I’m blonde’, you get the picture. Mix in typical stereotypical alien type jokes and others based on, shall we say ‘language difficulties’ and you have the whole thing. This film is high camp in the same mould as ‘Rocky Horror’, but never takes itself seriously.
This is NOT a film with a message.
Nor a film where the writers are out to lift a host of Oscars.
Add to that the fact that this is on a par with old Brit Sci-fi fave ‘Blakes 7’ in the ‘How much scenery or how many special effects can I make out of a few Squezy bottles and some sticky backed plastic?’ stakes. Its great fun though with typical naff songs that go well with the setting of 1980s California.
Not a classic, but easy watching, easy listening - although in my experience with Earth Girls… the easy ends there!!