Earth Infrastructure is a fraud company. I know this because I have worked with this company. In Market, if you interact with brokers then you will come to know the bad reputation of this company. They have defaulted payments to brokers. Their buildings are not ready. The moment customer book the flats, they use that money in another project. Thus, instead of focusing on completing one project for which the customer had made the payment, they start multiple projects with customers money and ultimately none of the projects gets completed on time. As a result, the customers becomes angry & frustrated.
They even dont make payments to their employees. They hire people by giving false commitments. This has happen with me. I was called for interview. They offered 44, 000/- per month salary with a two months probation period. They never reimbursed my traveling expenses. They didnt confirmed me. HR persons doesnt know how to talk with people. While asking for my reimbursements, HR person told me that she will throw me out of the office by calling security guards. Please go through the below mail which I wrote to Earth Infrastructure to understand this company.
Tarkeshwar Kumar,
Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 10:47 PM.
To: Ruchika Kull
Cc: Pooja Harish, "romil.saxena"
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Dear Ruchika,
Good Evening.
Thanks for reminding me that. In the similar manner, I would also like to remind you that I have received no confirmation of payment in none of the mails. I was waiting for the payment confirmation mail from Earth Infrastructure.
Today, when I came to meet you, you didnt showed up. I waited for more than half an hour in lobby for you. Instead you had send Pooja & Romil for meeting.
During Meeting, they refused to make any payments. In addition to that, Pooja have threaten me to throw me out of the office by calling security guards. In one word, if I have to say, she had humiliated & insulted me.
I didnt understand one thing, if Earth Infrastructure doesnt wanted to pay, they should have informed in the mail. Calling me for meeting for discussion, where the main aim was to humiliate, threaten & insult me besides not making any payments. It was a waste of my time & yours.
Earth Infrastructure doesnt want to pay, I understand. But was it necessary to insult me? HR People going below their dignity level just to prove that they are right, where in reality they are wrong. I believe that Earth Infrastructure has knowingly done this. By insulting me, they wanted to show that I am inferior against "Earth Infrastructure". I didnt deserve to be insulted. It has hurt me deeply. Now, it has become a case of my self-respect.
Such type of behavior shown by Earth Infrastructures "HR persons" who are supposed to be the ideal or role models for other employees is really shocking for me. Probably the working culture of Earth Infrastructure is like this. If an employee is being treated like this.I wonder "how customers would have been treated by Earth Infrastructure?". Thats why this company has created a lot of bad name in the market place. issues, I had to struggle little bit more for getting the payments from Earth Infrastructure. Since Earth Infrastructure has denied the payments, I am forced to go to consumer Forum/court to get the traveling reimbursements.
Thanks for your co-operation. We will meet soon.