The last few months I happened to do a lot of domestic travel. Each time I would need a cab to get to the railway station because the train was a night-starter. being a new entrant especially after the new
airport opened up, Easy cab looked like a breath of fresh air. The first time I booked, I was inundated with information on who the cab driver will be, what is his number, whats the cabs number etc and drivers mobile number. I could call and check anytime.
That day, it turned out, I was really lucky. Driver came on time, greeted us warmly, got us to the destination with no fuss or mad driving and the rate came to 20Rs less than Spot City Taxi.
Now Spot City Taxi is a veteran, a seemingly disgruntled team which is gruff, cant speak much english and dont seem enthusiastic about their job. If I ignore the behavior layer, I would rate Spot City Taxi as the best ordinary taxi service in Bangalore. They have NEVER been late. The drivers are at location at least 30 minutes before time almost irritatingly. They get you to the destination ON TIME. In a 30-40 minute commute, I really dont care if I cant make conversation with the driver or if hes yelling at pedestrians jumping in the way or a trifle overspeeding. I get to the destination ON TIME EVERYTIME.
Easy Cab guys have some gall. For the last 5 bookings I have made they have ruined my mood everytime I start for my journey. the sourness makes you yell at everybody later on for no reason. That is why I hate their idiotic non-existent service. They have ACs in their car. They also have no management skills. The drivers speak well and are well dressed. They also will not pick your call if you want to check why they are running late. They have new cars and a recognisable brand identity. They also have a pathetic call center. to get to an executive you have to wait long enough to get another shave. The executive speak well. They also do not know why their drivers are more than 40 minutes late and still havent called.
I have my self 3 out of 5 times co-ordinated between the$#@$ driver and the call center to tell who
has reached where. Last time I yelled my lungs out at all of them. But you know what it didnt help. I was quite put out and was snapping at anything that looked at me. And the lazy and incompetent Easy Cab bunch was going on doing this to me.
The best thing I thought Id do is to erase their phone number from my phone and let people know about them. Because only if all affected people put out their voice will there be a definitive change. Its time people learnt to do their job properly. So I thought its my duty to let people know not to be taken for a ride. If you are charged you have the right to demand service. no one does things for free.
5 times out of 5, I was promised 7PM and the cab hadnt come to me even at 8:30PM. 8 calls and 30 minutes of my Pre-paid time was wasted. Guess what, they never called, the cab never came, they never apologised. My train was only at 10PM but I know there are fools who dont care for your time. So youve got to make use of it and get alternate arrangements made.
The last time this happened(last week) I got into an passing auto with 3 pieces of luggage.I had to pay apremium of 120Rs as opposed to 70Rs. But the guy got me there by 9:30PM. And I made sure I erased the Easy Cab numbers from my memory.
For people looking for a summarised version of my rant:
*Stay away from this incompetent taxi service. Your time is inconsequential to them.
*Ive travelled with them 3 times and have booked 8 times in total. The last 5 have been harrowing. I wish I could sue them for wasting my time and causing heartburn.