EasyCabs was the first radio cabs service in Delhi which was a relief from moody and overcharging black/wellow taxis and Auto/TSRs. Initially I used them a couple of times and found their service quite good but in last one year or so when there are several other radio cab services in Delhi they have instead of improving with competition gone bad to worse.
Today was my third bad experience where I was let down by them. I booked one hour before my intended departure a cab for a distance of about 10 km within Delhi and they confirmed the time and gave the cab number (part regn. number of cab to come).
When the cab was overdue by more than 5 minutes I called them at 43434343 to enquire, and was told that it should be there shortly but I was already getting late and asked them for the mobile number of cab driver to find out if he was having any difficulty in reaching me.
I called the Driver of the cab booked for me and to my utter astonishment he told me that he was outside Delhi in Gurgaon 40 km away from me and he has no intentions to coming to pick me. According to him he was told by their control room to take me but he had declined then and there itself.
When I called EasyCabs control room again they said that the Driver of the Cab must be telling a lie because he may not be interested in going for such a short distance. When I asked them what do I do now, they said that they will investigate and revert to me. I got no call back so I called again to be told that they are sorry and the next cab can come to me after another half hour minimum. I was already so late that I had to cancel the appointment to which I was going. I called up their operations incharge and he was quite rude and said that it happens due to technical hitch and he can best look for next available cab in the area which may not be for another half hour or so. When I asked him for the full registartion number of the cab which refused to come to pick me so that I could lodge a format complaint with Delhi Traffic Police Commissioner office he point blank refused to give the same. So much so for their service. I then called the cab driver and took his full registration number and lodged a formal complaint with Delhi Traffic Police. I doubt if anything will come out of that as they will most likely bribe their way thru that.
It is just to let other innocent cinsumers to be aware what can happen if you rely on their promise.
My tip for using this service (if you have no better choice), when you book a radio cab take full registration number of the cab to come to you and also the name of the Driver and his mobile number. Keep checking with him if he is on his way to pick you up or not. If not then make alternative arrangement. If you are unable to contact him then tell the radio cab booking office and cancel the cab because if his mobile is switched off then he is most likely not coming to you either.