When I am shopping form this site I am fell great here because of the cheap deal but now its just selling fake product actually eBay not selling fake product selling bye Seller.
Recently I am think to purchase new mobile so I am use other sites but ebay give me Sony Xperia Z5 Dual in 10, 000 Rs so I am think this phone cost is almost 49, 000 RS on Amazon, 50, 000 on Flipkart. I am get shocked I am getting this product is very but is not very low its too low price. So am read the all description about this product so seller tell in the product description its refurnished phone and nothing anything more than this. I am think about this product I thought its used but its giving me at 10000 its great deal and I am place the order at my address with online banking payment.
After 2 days I am re-open that link and in that link seller make changes in the product description and he mention in the product details this product is used and you get little bit dent on this product . Now I am get confused only this problem or anything other have problem about this product. I am contact to eBay for seller contact number unfortunately eBay give me contact number and I am contact the seller and then seller first 2 days not receiving my phone 3rd day he receive my phone and I am ask about the product details that day my phone is shipped. Now seller tells me I am selling this product but this product have problem that is Phone heating and display problem(if we scroll down notification bar then back screen portion is visible to see) means its doped phone having display problem. I am tell the seller I am not interested to buy this product give me my refund and now he tell me my product is shipped so need to wait before we not get our product back. So I am ask the seller why you not mention this details on the product description so he told me if you want I am give you this phone in 7000 Rs . You pay 10000 Rs I give you 3000 Rs back in to your account. I am tell I dont need this phone and ask for refund about the phone.
Now he agreed for refund now I am felling fine . Now I am understand eBay not verifying any product he just want selling any worst product even if dead phone selling dont care eBay anything he just want money percent form seller nothing else.
I hope this Ebay customer care service is good else this site is really worst website now he selling only used product on this site just open Ebay.in and you get front page there selling used or refurnished product in the front of you.
My own opinion dont purchase anything form eBay.
I am giving this product 10000 cost Xperia Z5 Dual in the comment box.