Baazee.com is a buffoon which offers goods at one paise in its initial stage or the member of the baazee.com is a buffoon who believes that they can purchase goods at one paise.
Case 1:
The bid of a caller id.(local brand) starts at
one paise and the bade amount ranges between
between Rs.800/- to Rs. 1, 000/-.
Case 2:
The bid for a golden pendant weighing 1 gram
starts at one paise and when bid timings come to
an end the bade amount ranges between Rs. 1, 500/-
to Rs. 1, 700/-.
So, either the baazee.com or the members of baazee.com are buffons.
CEO sets standards for the members but he/she him/her self doesnt follow those standards. I have a doubt that fake id.s are being created by the employees and management of the Baazee.com. I had read an ad. of Baazee.com claiming auctions at one paise. This surprised me, a thought emerged in my mind that lets check it out. I became a member of baazee.com, but I feel that the management is doing fraudulent activities by creating fake sellers id.s. I can prove it.
Case 1:
I had bade for a blue shirt(new). But till date I
have not received a single reply from the seller.
Instead of that, I have mailed several times to
seller but no response.
Case 2:
I had won a computer (used). But till date I have
not received a single reply from the seller. And
same situation as mentioned above.
So, I doubt that fake seller id.s are prevailing.
Baazee is something like a alcohol. The member might get addicted to it.
The site is zany. It has kept the jewelleries of Surat Diamonds at one paise and at the end of the day that jewelleries get sold between a range of Rs. 2, 000/- to Rs. 3, 000/-.
0.08gm. gold pendant having a very tiny diamond
(carat not mentioned) sold between Rs. 2, 000/-
to Rs. 2, 500/-. I dont think that residents of
India would purchase such a costly pendant whose
real cost would be (max.)Rs.1, 300/-.
I had rather thought that residents of India are more choosy about purchasing jewelleries at highly negotiable rates. But things are different over here. So, this again forces me to believe that lot of fake id.s are prevailing with this site.
I would have to admit that the site is able to create a desired effect, which can make the member addicted to it.
End of the days of BAAZEE.COM have started. If, I got a chance to put the site into fix, I would surely do that so that the Indian IT industrys nightmare comes to an end.