I really think it ebay India sucks and not a secured site at all against the fraudsters. However, I have heard tht there is one auction site coming up in India and it’s of Indian Origin which will operate as per the Indian Customers requirements and thr will not be any listing fees n not like ebay who doesnt care for their customers hard earned money. I m looking forward for tht site as someone from India must come to show ’’ebay’’ the door to exit n take their s*cking policies n high selling fees whr seller can’t make any profits.
How u can sell whn u have very low margin and hve competition? Think eBay or u will leave soon. Dont charge so much fees tht one day u left with no sellers or buyers!
U hve already seen the strike in the last week of Feb 2008 and members across the world r planning to go on indefinite strike in May.
Check out this links to know more abt eBay.
(Check out any links from the search results above to see the true picture of eBay).
As many members asked me about the new auction sites name. I have mentioned the name in my other review which was on Auction Site but MOUTHSHUT removed that review telling me that it doesnt make any sense and they shut my mouth on revealing the name of the site.
However, heres the address of that site again for you. I got this from my friend.