MY PAISABAY REF NO 30912485203.Dont Use EBAY For Online Shopping. They are Simply Cheating Customers. They told Delivery with in 4 to 6 Days.If its Not Received they ask Again 5 days to delivery. After 5 days Complete only we can able to cancel & Refund Option.
After that Refund Option they taken another 5 days to confirm the cancellation. After 5 Days the money will refund with in 15 Days ah?. Totally they wasted my time & Money.
I was Purchased last 21st Till now that order are not Refunded to me. If I ask to Seller the seller says Money not received. They{ Paisabay} only kept Money.
And Now im Waiting for My Money.
IF Any EBAY brand managers signing up the Corporate Blog Please Reply to me & REFUND MY Money as soon as Possible.