I got a sms from ebay saying rs.100 off on your 1st purchase on ebay with minimum transaction of rs.200. At this time I was looking for a power bank. Searched on ebay , liked universal power bank priced at rs. 225 . As I had this coupon, I decided to buy it. Payed online rs. 125 , as I had 100 off coupon. When the delivery boy came we were not at home, so couldnt recieve it.
After which I contacted the seller. She said , first we will get confirmation from ebay and then will proceed. I called daily but she used to give excuses and delayed. After 5 days , she said we will deliver in 6-7 days. 10 days are gone still not delivered. I called again , she says now it is out of stock. I go on the refund page for refund. I get my refund after 15 days. Terrible experience.