I bought one mobile handset on ebay.in believing that they take care to protect buyers who never know or see vendors. We buy on goodwill of eBay( an US based company).
The mobile set sold to me through a quick credit part payment online was found to have no PDA function as was displayed by vendor. And the quality was bad. The mobile (Chinese make CETC) Sigma phone heated up like a cookie just after even 5 minutes use as a mp3 player.
Its many functions stopped working in 10 days. So this was returned to vendor in pune.(Pyramid store) .This purchased happened in June 2007.It is September now. Ive been put to almost 100 emails exchanges and finally only basic price was paid by a pune based bank "cheque instead of payment reversal online or a DD and Rs 80 was debited by my bank. The inward freight charges (exorbitant) for Rs 390 were also not refunded. I am down by almost Rs 450 plus interest for 3 months.And acute , mental torture since last 3 months .
Now eBay after admitting and approving claim have back tracked to pay me this remaining amount that vendor failed to pay.
When someone sells wrong item than displayed, no sale term operates. It is a bad sale and cheating. You have to pay all expenses plus damages. This is law and this is morality.
Ebay .in as bad as any cheap company operating in India. While I am in itiating legal action again st them please .Avoid eBay if you can.