Baazee & Rediff are market place for replica or fake products. Since you only get to see only the picture of the product one would know the quality of the product only after receiveing it. I have bought a few items from rediff as well as Baazee - some were good others bad.
I would advice people who do online shopping off India sites to avoid looking at the indicative market price - these are grossly over stated for the quality available and Baazee doesnt guarantee veracity of the items quoted. One could use such sites to buy some low value trinkets.
Also Baazee has not been able to attract standard / branded sellers - this is where Rediff scores over Baazee with its premium stores though the no of items available on rediff are less. For things like mobile - I would advice people to use such sites to get a fair understanding of the price of a particular model and then check out in the local market -- use Baazee to get an understanding of the price.
Recently when I had to purchase 1.5 tonne ACs - this is what I did. In India, MRP is a big sham and hence one has to spend little more energy in coming to the right price which at times might be 30% less than the listed price.
Ultimately, since the moeny for online buying is not routed throuh Baazee - it comes down to the trustworthiness of the seller - which you cannot ascertain any way.
Now with eBay taking over one could see some positive change in Baazee. All said and done Baazee deserves credit for bringing online shopping to India.