Today I have got my opinion onto!
This site the place where we can do bundles of stuffs like buying, selling, affiliation, auctions bidding, etc. But as of with the buyers thought I do like to state that, the service which we get on is way far away from As per my experience the does gives a better service than this international site. If we buy something, an in case the seller fadded away with our money, without sending our order. Then it that case we need to file dispute to paypal. I some case ebay could help but, in maximum condition we need to deal via Paypal support.
As per towards the positive traits I do like to state that its best place to take part into online auction world wide. Throughout the auction we get certain goods which would be way cheaper than the other site as by winning the bid. As by the auction also its a risk.
Overall its a best place to take part into online auction.
K.R. FeeDz.