Want to share my experience buying online Sony Bravia Smart 40inch TV for 45K from ebay seller "sidharth0789". He is very rude in case of any issue with the TV and he blocks number in such cases even if its within sellers warranty.
Kindly DO not buy online Smart TV from Imported dealer/seller like sidharth0789.. https://ebay.in/sch/sidharth0789/m.html?rt=nc
He give a warranty while selling and incase of any problem with in the warranty period he doesnt give any kind of service nor take any responsibility.
Had Purchased Sony Bravia 40B600 Oct2014, its with in warranty and now the display has gone and he saying it was not used by me from past 10months its you who used it and I cant repair it. Such a rude statement by a Seller.
So guys kindly buy it in show rooms and get sony or samsung warranty on smart TV as they give 2-3 yrs warranty on such high range products and had got cheated by this online seller and now i had to spent 20K to repair it. If i had invested 10K more and bought it from showroom would have got the warranty from sony and sony take responsibility to with out any trouble.
Just dont want other to get cheated by such online sellers.