I have been buying products from ebay since its origin and when it was baazee. The main reason for choosing ebay is because I can find products I need in ebay. I had many big losses with fake items in both ebay.com and ebay.in.
I had two Projector Lamps both costing above Rs.10000/- each and that had failed after 10hrs and 5hrs of operation respectively. In both cases my claim was rejected because of 45days purchase period. I received these items just before the end of this 45day period after which you cannot have any communication with ebay or the sellers. I received a Windmill rated as 900 Watts(Rs.35000/-) and the actual power was below 100Watts. I received a Solar Pump costing Rs.26000/- in totally damaged condition and on complaining I was asked to pay(Rs.6000/-) shipping charge for sending replacement, this also was damaged and thereafter there was no response due to crossing the 45 day period. I was denied ebay guarantee without citing the reason. I made several requests for the reason for this denial and I was totally ignored.
My latest experience with ebay.in should be read carefully before purchasing anything from this website. In spite of all my bad experience I continued to believe in ebay, thinking that these are some cunning, cheat or fraud sellers; so I used to take care from the initial stage.
Recently on 8th August 2014, I placed order for two nos. of Automatic Soap Dispenser(Item No.281343092110) paying Rs.998/- and requested to avoid shipping through BLUEDART as they do not deliver at home and one has to chase the item in their various offices in the city. The main reason for doing online shopping is because I want to avoid the city traffic and time for shopping. The Seller ignored my request and without any communication shipped the item through BLUEDART. On 12th August the item was marked as "Delivered" by BLUEDART in the ebay site whereas I was not even contacted by Bluedart. In earlier cases Bluedart used to call me on my mobile and sometimes just gave Missed Calls. Then I would have to chase the item from one of their offices in the city after taking leave from my office. I made several mails to the Seller and through all contacts in ebay site and finally I made a DISPUTE CLAIM.
I was contacted by an ebay official who spoke in a rude manner ordering that "Your item is already delivered". I replied that it is not true and if the item is indicated as "Delivered" in your system to show the proof regarding this. There was no proof and on 28th August 2014 I received a mail stating that my claim is rejected since the item is "Delivered". I tried to contact Ebay in every way possible through their site but I failed as all doors were shut against me stating that the case was closed and cannot be opened again.
What should I call this business? FRAUD or LOOTING?